An Easy Way To Help Girls Living in Poverty Manage their Periods
Many of these girls currently miss school for the entire week of their period, every single month, putting them at an even greater disadvantage in life.
We have a goal to provide every girl in the village of Saoli, India who currently has her period (about 1,000 girls) with a period kit which includes 6 reusable cloth pads and a carry bag. Many of them walk a long way to and from school, and many help their families work out in the fields after school, so they need to be able to carry their clean and used pads with them for at least 12 hours a day.
We’ve had some people contact us asking why we don’t just get pads from organizations that do this in different parts of the world. We’ve contacted those organizations and they cannot keep up with the demand, they’re all completely overwhelmed.
This is where you come in… could you sew some pads and/or bags to donate to our mission?
With your help we can make a profound positive impact on this populated rural village which will create a big positive ripple effect.
Every single pad and bag will make a big difference in the lives of these girls.
We’re getting quite a few kids groups to make pads because the pattern is simple – especially Girl Scout Troops and church sewing groups. If you know anyone involved in Girl Scouts, or anyone who can sew, please send them the link and encourage their scout to contribute.
Get The Details Here and Please Share This Link:
This campaign has ended. We successfully provided a dozen washable pads to over 100 girls. Thank you for your support.
If you’re unable to sew, please consider making a tax-deductible donation (at the link above). Every little bit helps.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!